How Posture & Body Language Create an UPRISE with Nary a Pill, Injection or Medical Bill

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Sports medicine and back pain expert Dr. Sean Wheeler, has long advocated the power of good posture as part of a plan to overcome chronic low back pain.

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy has become a sensation through her rousing presentation at TED Global 2012 in which she demonstrates how “power posing” – standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident – can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success, as reported in The New York Times.

Power Posing, as advocated by Ms. Cuddy, serves as an example of how a simple mindset, a mindful reorientation, can achieve significant results for those who adopt the thinking, and the doing.

In much the same way, Dr. Wheeler’s anticipated new book, UPRISE, will inform readers of how a 180 degree shift in behavior, requiring 180 days to unlearn what you think you know about low back pain, is needed to make room to learn a new understanding of pelvic neutrality and posture to both strengthen and tune your Bracing Muscles:

A new understanding of your body as the finely tuned instrument it is – as not only your body, but as your Body Guitar – to achieve back pain liberation.

Read more of Dr. Cuddy’s story, her research and findings in The New York Times and in other media reports.