Sports Medicine & Back Pain Expert Dr. Sean Wheeler Introduces New Medical Terminology: Bracing Muscles

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Watch as sports medicine and back pain expert Dr. Sean Wheeler introduces a new medical termBracing Muscles — and why understanding the function and care of your Bracing Muscles is so important in the treatment of chronic back pain, and how caring for them properly achieves back pain emancipation.

Based on an examination and critique of established medical practice, Dr. Sean Wheeler’s new bookUPRISE, offers a new understanding of the body as the finely tuned instrument it is – as not only your body, but as your Body Guitar, and a medical innovation to achieve back pain emancipation.

Bracing muscles located in your low back play a crucial role in this emancipation, to assist you in reaching pain freedom.

Dr. Wheeler’s new understanding of treating chronic low back pain required the creation of new labels in aid of understanding.