Spine & Body Podcast

Join us on our journey as we address hard-hitting questions about how the world approaches, treats and researches low back/neck/shoulder pain and inspire patients to be empowered in their treatment.

Disc Bulges

In this episode we again take on commonly accepted knowledge in spine science and discuss how discs really break down. From the basics of heat control in a moving disc to our process of keeping patients from needing repeat epidurals, this is an important episode as we hope to shift the conversation of spine health with an understanding of how discs breakdown to change how we preserve and protect them. At the end, we discuss how insurance companies can save our health system.

Show Notes

SI Joint Pain

Sacroiliac joint pain may be a huge linchpin in future treatment of the lower back. If we can make the case for SI joint pain and how it is caused by other pain, then we can begin to destroy the low back pain algorithm that has led to so many problems in the treatment of back pain. This episode gets a little crazy as Dr. Wheeler pours his passion into defining this problem and his solution. Strap in… and enjoy!

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Song: Chains by Deraj from Artlist https://artlist.io/song/64229/chains

Logos by Steve Cranford http://whisperny.com

Editing/Production by ForteCatholic.com/editing

Facet Joint Pain

Join us today for an episode on facet joint pain. What is it? How does it lead to weakness and compensation & treatment that often leads to worse problems. This is an introductory commentary on a basic problem that leads to deeper complexity as we move along. Understanding is important as we slowly dig more and more into the problem of back pain treatment.

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As we go through a discussion of stability, we set the stage for all future discussions. If we can define stability in a different way than it typically has been, then we can change the way we look at recovery. Red muscles vs. white muscles, coordination, compensation, bracing muscles, muscle tightness, fascia tightness, arthritis and motion all come to center stage. This vital discussion helps set the stage and define the characters in play that begin to change everything.

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The History of Epidurals

This episode is a bold call-to-arms…a rallying cry for all people who want and expect more from the medical system in the care of back pain. This is a fifteen minute lecture format that goes through the beginnings of back pain treatment and where it has all gone wrong. Bad science has led to bad care and bad results. To improve our results, there needs to be a critical look at the history, methods and algorithm that is currently used in back pain care before we can begin down the path to an overhaul of the entire system.

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Who is Dr. Sean Wheeler?

In this “get to know you” episode, Dr. Sean Wheeler is interviewed by Justin Ricklefs of Guild Stories last year. It exemplifies what Dr Wheeler is about, where he has come from and where he wants to go. It is a great jumping off point for the podcast because it shows the passion he has for his work. Discover the story of The Bodyguitar Clinic, motion evaluation, immune system, stability, diet, and other issues as this wide-ranging and fun interview begins the journey.

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